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The Company

A disruptive tech start-up with global plans, Nockpoint is a B2B, AI based SaaS tool, in need of a smart partner who could design a Complex Brand Ecosystem for their App, Marketing and Data to flourish in cohesively.


Washington, USA.



The Challenges & the Solutions

The Problem
When Nockpoint approached us, they had a word mark but lacked a cohesive and structured Brand Identity, that resonated with their audience. Their challenge was to transform their brand into a compelling system that communicated their values and differentiated them.

The Solution
Through an intensive strategy phase, we repositioned Nockpoint's brand archetype, personality, and tone of voice. We dived really deep to understand their essence and developed a Brand Ecosystem that captured their vision.
Inspired by the client's idea of using an upward road sign, we created a logo that symbolised growth and the upward trajectory that data-driven businesses have.

The Outcome
The result was a very Comprehensive Brand System that included multiple Logomarks, a unique Colour Palette, and Cohesive Messaging. We addressed the challenge of cultural sensitivity by researching colours that worked well in data visualisation and were inclusive to all users.
3D Balls in Rainbow Background

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